Pitch Black Paranormal Investigations & Resource


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If you have a bump in the night, unexplained apparitions, PLEASE, let us know, if you're in our area, we'll be more than happy to set a time to come take a look-see-feel of the area in question.  Sometimes all a ghost needs is a little push to remind it that its physical body is not here any longer and the need to continue their journey. 


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In April 2001 we did a preliminary investigation of an old gravesite in Anoka County, MN. At this site we discovered multiple broken and whole grave markers and headstones. As well, we found caskets pieces and various grave related debris. Unable to substantiate as of yet. We believe the graves were exumed to make way for expanding residential development... one question, where are the bodily remains if all of the headstones and caskets are there?

To date we have not recovered much of anything from Anoka County records Division. The owners of that area of land have not been able to be contacted.

St. Paul - Possible potergeist activity, a small child 3 yrs old I believe, is heard talking with a disembodied voice over the baby minitor. Smudging works temporaily, toys and a chair have been unexplainably moved... more to come

Minneapolis - Uptown Area - Apartment owner witnesses temperature variences and various shapes. Sense that a presence watches thier actions... more to come

Add ons and summaries by 8.15.2001 thanx for yer patience... The Crew



Click on the purple fire-dancin' dude for our email

