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Are you being haunted?
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Are you being haunted?

Check out the list below and you may have some answers to whether or not you or someone you know is being haunted or has a poltergeist

Do you here voices when there is no one else around?

How about disembodied footsteps?

Have you experienced appliances, lights, radios, TVs, media players turning off an on with no apparent reason?

Do toilets flush by themselves? Do faucets turn on and off for no reason?

Do you sense a presence watching or with you in certain rooms?

Do objects move, drop or get thrown that defy explanation?

Do you hear banging or knocking on doors, widows, floors or

Do children have imaginary friends? (Occasionally children see or sense things that we cannot)

Do pets behave radically, as if something is pestering or scaring them?

Have you felt or heard breathing when no one else is nearby?

How about shadows that appear to have definitive shape, are semi-transparent or move with a life of their own?

Have you had the sensation of being touched, hit or pushed when youre alone?

Do you feel cold spots in certain areas when logic dictates there would be no temperature variation?

You may be the involuntary volunteer of a haunting or poltergeist.

So, what can you do now?

At this time, our resources are.. somewhat limited. We can do investigations but only locally around the Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN area. SO, as we may not be able to travel, below is an excellent resource to get assistance if you have a spirit, ghost, poltergeist, etc. L.I.F.E., They have people in every state of the US that may be able to render assistance.


Click here to go to the L.I.F.E

Click the dove to go to L.I.F.E.